The National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment/ASSessment of Estuarine
Trophic Status (NEEA/ASSETS) is a screening model that uses a
Pressure-State-Response framework to assess eutrophication.
human influence (OHI) on development of conditions (Pressure)
eutrophic conditions (OEC) within a water body (State)
of future outlook (DFO) for conditions within the system (Response)
Reliability of the assessment is determined in an initial data evaluation stage
where the completeness and reliability of the data is determined based on
spatial and temporal sampling scales. Analytical methodology is also taken into
The OEC, OHI and DFO are combined to provide a single eutrophication assessment
rating for an estuary in one of five categories: high, good, moderate, poor or
bad. These categories are colour-coded following the convention of the EU Water
Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), and provide a scale for setting
eutrophication related reference conditions for different types of transitional